2016 Deer Rut

The Maryland deer rut is quickly heating up.  The full moon is this coming Sunday and I think that should kick the rut into full gear.

I have heard and seen signs certain places that rut is really heating up, and other areas I have seen bucks and does acting like it's still mid October where they are just focused on eating.. I think it really depends on the area, food source, and what stage of rut the does are in, in that area.  As I always say, it's November and there is never a bad day to be in the woods.

I really believe like many other years, you will see the peak of the rut post full moon, so the next two weeks will likely be the hottest time to be in the woods.

I hope everyone gets out in the woods and enjoys some of the best hunting one can experience in the coming weeks! Good luck, be safe, and hunt hard!


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