4 Weeks Until Opening Day of the 2013 Maryland Bow Season!

That is right, just 4 weeks until opening day!  Come September 6th many of us will be headed to the woods in pursuit of a trophy.  Whether it is a giant buck or just any deer for meat in the freezer we will all be equally excited to hit the woods.  The next four weeks you should be thinking about a number of things to prepare for the season.

First, now is a great time to head over to the MD or whatever state you live in's Department of Natural Resources sites to purchase your hunting license.  Below I have provided the mid-Atlantic states each respective webpage for purchasing your 2013 - 2014 hunting season.

Maryland - https://compass.dnr.maryland.gov/dnrcompassportal

Virginia - http://secure01.virginiainteractive.org/horf/

Pennsylvanian - https://www2.pa.wildlifelicense.com/start.php

Delaware -  http://www.dnrec.delaware.gov/fw/Services/Pages/Lic-Perm-Reg.aspx

The next thing you should be thinking about is getting your gear out and fixed up, cleaned, and repairs made if necessary.   I started pulling my pack and things that cannot go in the washer out and putting them in a bag with cover scent wafers such as these
Hunters Specialties H.S. Scents Primetime Fresh Earth Cover Scent Wafers
.  I will also be  pulling my treestand out in the next couple weeks and checking to make sure nothing needs replaced.   As well as checking the and purchasing batteries for my flashlights and replacing the battery in my range finder.

I will also be hanging a lock-on stand in the next week in our yard to practice shooting from elevation.  That stand will then be headed out into the woods toward the end of August on our piece of private property.

The last two important things for us will be to continue to shoot our bows and toward the end of the month we will shoot with broadheads to ensure we are locked in for hunting season.  We will also continue to use our trail cameras wisely until hunting season starts to get the best idea of where we want to be spending time in the woods and where we do not.

What are you doing the last 4 weeks before hunting season?  Are you ready and excited?

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