Opening Week of Turkey Season 2018

This past week was marked the opening of the spring turkey season.  Wednesday was opening day and unfortunately I couldn't hunt opening day this year.  But I was able to get out the day after and spent Thursday morning at Liberty.  Early in the morning as the sun started to come up we had a gobbler roosted in a tree about 200 yards away... We decided to make a move on him in an attempt to get close when he flew down.   Well, little did we know about 2/3 of the way between us and him was a hen also roosted.  She busted us and took off flying away.  Not 30 seconds later the gobbler and 3 more hens took of flying away onto the next hillside. Busted! Yuck.....

Well the morning rolled on and not too long we had another turkey respond to us, but he went ghost almost as fast as he was gobbling.   The morning continued for a while with nothing.... A lot of nothing.....

Finally later in the morning we hear another gobbler down by the water.  He gobbled 3 times and then got quite.... Another one that just got quite.... we waited and waited and never heard it him again....  A little while later we were walking and hear another gobbler, but then quickly realized that there was also another hunter after that turkey...  So, we backed back out the way we can come in and left that gobbler alone with the other hunter..

A little while later we heard another one way off in the distance... We jumped in the truck to head to the area this turkey was in.  We got into the woods and he was quite... We walked and stopped and walked and stopped hoping we would hear him.  We even then stopped for a bit. Nothing.... We walked some more and suddenly saw a hen pop her head out on the trail and look right at us...  Busted! again!  She took off running and the woods got even more quite....

We waited and waited.....

No noise and nothing calling back we had been busted for the last time on our hunt...

We called it a morning.  Saw some birds, heard some birds, but they were acting funny in their calling and it just wasn't our morning.  Another great turkey hunt and a great day in the woods.

Anyone else have success on this past opening week of Turkey season? Leave a comment or send us a message!!

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