9/20/2014 Evening Hunting Trip

Does, Does, fawns and more fawns..  All right at dark and all too far away to shoot.

Yep, that was my evening in the woods.  It was a little hot, a little humid and I got a late start on hunting. I got into the woods about 5:30 or 6 so I went to our private land since it was so late.  Decided to sit on the ground and just see what comes by, hoping one of the bucks we have been getting pictures of cam by before dark.  Well, after an hour or so, and I had not seen anything at all, I was starting to think I wouldn't see anything at all.  It was just 10 minutes until sunset and 40 minutes from the end of legal shooting light, which really means that I only had about 20 minutes since it gets dark in the woods a lot faster than legal shooting light says.

Well, right about sunset I had a doe and fawn walk down the hill about 45 - 50 yards in front of me and kept on going to go feed in the clearing and our food plot.  Soon after they walked past, another doe and fawn came down the same trail and walked about 45 yards in front of me heading right out into the clearing.  This isn't the trail they normally use so I guess I need to move my setup. I heard something else right at dark coming down the hill, and it was another fawn. So, I packed it in after they walked past and I got out of the woods as quite as possible yet still pushed the deer some.

Long and short of it, I need to move my stand and hope maybe the full moon in  a couple of weeks gets the bucks up and moving more! With the cooler weather coming this week, I am going to hit some of my spots I normally go to try to take a doe and see what happens.  It's that time of the year for some freezer meat.

Anyone get out this weekend? Do any good?

4 Responses

  1. Brian
    Haven't been out much this season except for opening weekend and the week after. By friend took a doe at Loch Raven over the weekend. I've been busy with a kitchen remodel so I'm hoping to get back to some hunting this weekend. My private land spot should start heating up now that the acorns are falling.
    • admin
      Brain, Good to hear someone got a doe out of Loch Raven this weekend. I haven't heard of anything bigger than a 6 point being taken out of Loch Raven yet this season. Those home remolding projects can consume a lot of your time, trust me I know. I am pretty excited about the acorns starting to fall, that opens up some new spots for hunting for me. Good luck if you get out this weekend!
  2. Jake
    I've only been out in the stand once this year due to job restrictions (military) and have only seen a few yearling doe. There is a 1.5 maybe a 2 year old spike on my property but he has about 11-12" perfectly straight tines. Not sure whether or not to take him ( always been taught to cull straight tines spikes) or try to grow him. I only have a few acres so who knows if he's gonna stick around anyway. Any thoughts on this?
    • admin
      Jake, I generally look at the age of the deer. If the deer is only a 1.5 year old, he would likely only be a spike or 4 point either way at this age. I would say he likely will turn out to be a normal deer, and since they are so long, he may grow to be like a small 8 next year rather than just a 6. However, there is a chance that he has some genetic issue and come next year he may be something odd. But you could take him as a management buck at that point once you know how he turned out. I would say let him grow up and see what he turns into, but you know where your hunting, and what else is out there and if you feel this deer isn't going to make the grade then there is nothing wrong with taking it as a management buck or as meat for the freezer. These things all come as personal choices, but from what do you think he will grow into, must people will tell you not to take a management buck until they are at least 2.5 years old and show what they are or are not going to be. Hope this helps.

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