Maryland’s 2019-2020 Archery Season is coming!

The 2019-2020 Maryland archery season is just one short month away. By this point many of us are actively checking trail cameras, getting ready to set stands for the season. My food plot I planted last fall is serving the deer well this year. On top of all those fun things, I am actively shooting my bow to prep for the season.

I have some new gear this year which I'll be reviewing in the coming weeks. I am excited to share the new items and gear I am trying this season!

I hope to start rolling out some new trail camera photo's in the coming weeks, but like last year, we are mostly just getting pictures of does and fawns. Antler activity has been few and far between so far this summer. From my scouting I have done thus far, I am finding the deer aren't really traveling in typical bachelor groups but more like singles and doubles and they are a lot harder to locate. Nevertheless, I hope to get more pictures as the temps hopefully start going down soon and hopefully more bucks show up as they get closer to loosing their velvet.

What are you doing to get ready for the upcoming archery season?

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